Hello Beautiful Souls,


We are so excited to be back!!! 

There is something in the air right now with ARIES season and we can feel the fire! 

Today on this episdoe Angelina Colona and I are reading your testimonies and answering questions that we get in the DM's. 


Thank you to those who allow us to share these stories, and for those of you who are new here or have been listening for a while just haven't submited a testimonies please follow us on instagram or E-mail us with something that you feel inspired to share. ALL testimoines are welcome! www.instagram.com/manifestingmoneypodcast.com 


Today's Episode we go over: 

Are we manifesting the "bad" experiences?  Is money more important than friends?  Celebrating a random check in the mail  Too much of anything is bad... but too much of whiskey... WHAT?! 

So many inside jokes with this episode and we can't wait to share more testimoines so stay tuned. 



NEW BLOG (still being updated but you can find bing worthy reads & writing about today's topic): www.manifestingmoneypodcast.com

3 Day Manifesting Money Workshop! 
