Jasmine Carey, a designer-maker based at Cockpit Arts in London, describes her journey into craft. From her education and work experience, to studying fashion at London Universities, Jasmine describes her experiences as a Black woman in craft and the challenges she has faced. These include not feeling like she belonged in certain organisations in the fashion and craft industry. She describes the importance of her friends and networks for support and encouragement, leading to her winning a prestigious Leather Sellers' award at Cockpit Arts. She argues that there needs to be a better representation of women of colour in craft, she says "I think it's important for people who are thinking of working in craft knowing that there's other people like you around, because representation does matter". You can find out more about Jasmine's work at www.deco22.co.uk.

This podcast series is part of an RCUK/UKRI Innovation Fellowship funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and in collaboration with Crafts Council UK. This project, called ‘Craft Expertise’, aims to explore and raise awareness of the challenges facing women makers of colour as they try to establish a craft career. For more information visit the website craftexpertise.com. You can also follow us on Instagram at craftexpertiseresearch.