This is the very first episode of the Maker/Mistaker Podcast! In this episode I talk with Gigi Young, a psychic intuitive that teaches and mentors others through a spiritual and cosmic perspective.

I initially found her on YouTube talking about consciousness, spirituality, and extra terrestrials. The way she communicated esoteric ideas resonated nicely with where I'm at in my path and I hired her for an intuitive coaching session a few weeks back. In that session she used her connections to her spirit guides to help me see my life's circumstances and struggles in a new light. She helped me gain clarity on my sense of purpose and provided a welcome perspective that fit with my newly expanded view of reality.

In this inaugural podcast episode, Gigi and I dive deep into mind-blowing and esoteric subject matter. We cover a lot of ground about finding and living your purpose, consciousness, spirituality, metaphysical subjects, starseeds, and ETs.

Episode Length: 92 minutesRecording Date: Aug 29, 2014

Episode Breakdown:

04:18 psychic abilities, stereotypes, skepticism

12:49 from atheist/skeptic to spiritual/occult

15:00 studying metaphysics instead of partying

20:00 finding your innate truth and purpose

24:00 music taste, resonance, and frequency

30:00 finding joy and thriving vs what feels good now

34:00 finding your own voice, taking a media detox

35:00 inspiration and our subconscious, not getting discouraged

38:40 starseeds, cosmic spirituality, oversouls, past lives

47:00 dimensions of consciousness

51:00 lucid dreams, out of body experiences, astral projection

57:00 thoughts, manifestation, imagination, law of attraction

1:04:00 taking responsibility for yourself as a creator

1:07:00 every relationship is a reflection of yourself

1:10:30 astrology, birth charts, starseeds, your true nature

1:16:54 finding your purpose, your authenticity

1:19:00 selflessness vs selfishness, changing the world

1:24:00 advice for creators, Gigi's future plans, living in flow

1:26:30 masculinity, David Deida, the Way of the Superior Man

1:31:00 closing thoughts


Gigi's Website

Gigi's YouTube Channel


Miss Cleo

David Deida

Shadow Work

Get your own birth chart

Starseed Hotline

The Secret

What the Bleep do We Know

My post about The Way of the Superior Man

My post about working with Kelly La Sha

My post about my first out of body experience

My post about me possibly being a Starseed


Dreams of Awakening

Secret of the Soul

The Alchemy of Nine Dimensions

The Way of the Superior Man

Liquid Mirror by Kelly La Sha