Previous Episode: EP.48: The Power of the Pause
Next Episode: EP.50: Taking Risks

I believe each of us is here on this planet for a specific reason. A Divine assignment. And that assignment is meant to have a ripple effect that'll reach many beyond the physical encounters with those we work with.

Today, I’m sharing the importance of YOU creating a ripple effect in your career as a dietitian and why I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can earn as much as you desire in this industry!



The true meaning of "Ripple Effect." The real reason you may not be earning the money you want to earn in your career as a dietitian. The current net worth of the global wellness economy and why I believe YOU have the ability to earn as much as you want in our industry. The first thing you need to do to tap into this very lucrative global wellness economy.



The “Charge What You’re Worth” private mentoring program

Join my private Facebook Group “Money Mindset Mastery for RD Entrepreneurs” 

Grab a copy of the NEW Money Mindset Reset Workbook

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