Welcome back to another episode of "Do All of the Things." 

If you've been tuning in since the days of "Make More Money as a Dietitian," you know I love using my own experiences to shed light on the journey we're all navigating. Right now, I'm deep in the trenches of what I can only describe as growing pains. It's a season of challenges and lessons, but as Iyanla Vanzantkk wisely said, there are valuable lessons to be found in the valley.


In this episode, I explore 10 common limiting beliefs that can hinder your growth, whether in your career, business, or personal life. These beliefs can weigh you down, preventing you from reaching your full potential. But no worries, my friend, because awareness is the first step towards transformation, and together, we're uncovering strategies to overcome these obstacles and thrive.





The insidious belief of "I'm not good enough" and how to reclaim your sense of worth.

Why the notion that "success is reserved for others" is a fallacy, and how to embrace abundance.

The paralyzing fear of failure and how to reframe it as a stepping stone to growth.

How to challenge the belief that "I don't deserve success" and cultivate a mindset of abundance.

Strategies for overcoming perfectionism and embracing the beauty of imperfection on your journey to success.



Reserve your spot on the waitlist for our upcoming The Abundance Incubator program enrollment.


Grab a copy of the workbook “How to Calculate Your Rate as an RD Entrepreneur” Discover practical steps to determine your value, understand expenses, set income goals, and calculate your ideal hourly rate. Sign up now for financial empowerment in your nutrition practice.