It’s officially the first week of the new year and everyone’s planning “all of the things.” New diets, new exercise routines, new business & career goals. The new year, new you phenom is in full gear, but what if you’re not feelin’ it so much?


What if you feel like you’ve lost your mojo? Here at the Manipura Centre, we know that everything, including YOU, cycles in seasons. And since we’re smack-dab in the middle of winter, it’s natural to feel like you want to stay on the slow-and-steady train right now. That’s because this is the time for rest, reflection, & going inward to prepare for spring!


On this week’s episode of the Make More Money as a Dietitian Podcast, Christine talks about why you may be feeling like you’re in a bit of a lull right now and what you can actually do about it, without sacrificing any goals you have for the new year.


WHAT YOU’LL LEARN IN THIS EPISODE 4 fun facts about New Year celebrations across the globe that’ll surprise you. Why you should align your energy with the cycles of the seasons for increased productivity. When the “new year, new you” activities should begin, in our opinion. The 3 journaling questions that’ll help you reflect & go inward 



Start the New Year with Christine as your mentor. Schedule a free consult with her HERE so she can discuss the details of her proven process and how private coaching can help you achieve your 2022 goals.

Grab a copy of the “How to Calculate Your Rate as an RD Entrepreneur”  Workbook