In this episode, we're addressing one of THE biggest hangups preventing most RD entrepreneurs from moving forward: VICTIM MINDSET.

You can't be a victor and a victim at the same time, so if you want to prosper in your business, you must release the victim mindset. You are never a victim to your circumstances...ever. But this is a very sneaky and insidious mindset because you may believe your circumstances are so true to the point that you don't believe you have control over them. Not true, my friend!


WHAT YOU’LL LEARN IN THIS EPISODE 5 Ways you could be living with a victim mindset The reason asking yourself "How" is more powerful than asking yourself "Why" How to increase self-confidence to do the things that'll move your business forward How to reframe "the fear of failure" in a way that's more empowering



The “Think Like a CEO” Money Mindset Course for RD Entrepreneurs WAITLIST

The “Charge What You’re Worth” private mentoring program