Do you ever get frustrated that things are not working out for you? Maybe you've tried 'manifesting' in the past but haven't got the results you wanted.

Well,  get ready as we are about to deep dive into the transformative process of manifestation and share with you the two keys principles to support you in successfully creating anything you desire.

We are going to be focusing on money and abundance in this episode, but you can apply the teachings to any goal you are working towards.

Did you hear? I have opened up new spaces in my private coaching programme. If you are a bit of a unicorn like me, want the best of everything & are really committed to getting big results, then I invite you to apply for a call with me now where we will discuss your business vision and ambitions in more detail. Click here to book in your call with me now.


1.41 All about desires4.32 What if you don't believe your desires5.58 The power of faith7.52 What is faith9.20 The importance of faith and how can we create it13.37 The formula for creating more money22.02 The reasons why I'm giving you the formula for creating more money23.19 Our own beliefs about money27.23 Failure and fear30.11 What you have to do to achieve your goals31.40 Recap on the key things covered in this episode34.24 There's a lot more to manifestation35.32 Resources to support you37.45 This episode's key take-aways

Favorite Quotes:

"Faith really is the emotion of belief, having the belief in what it is that you desire to manifest.""Faith is this key emotion that we must develop in order for us to translate our desire into reality." "For each action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, so for everything that we want to receive, we must first be willing to give.""Everyone in life who succeeds, gets off to a bad start.""Believe in your dreams and never mind what others say.""Failure only happens if we accept it, if we stop and if we quit, so keep going no matter what!" 

Enjoyed this episode? Then I would love for you to leave us a review on Apple or screenshot this, share it on social & tag me @iamlauratynan. It would mean the world! 

xo Laura

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