Kristi Woods didn't meet God until her mid-20's, and from the very beginning she knew that going deeper in His Word was not only key to eternal peace, but also a daily passion—a dance, if you will, of seeing Him work in and around her days and moments. From her own experience of knowing God, Kristi longs to encourage others to grow deeper in their spiritual walk.

Her prayer on a regular basis keeps her close to her Savior:

"Lord, show me what's in my heart that doesn't belong there. Amen."

And He does! May we dare to pray this prayer with Kristi.

Kristi Woods is a writer and speaker—but mostly a Jesus girl. She encourages readers to grow in faith with downloadable Bible studies such as Fear What? Debunking the Power of Fear and free, faith-building printables like 30 Days in Psalms: A Bible Reading Plan, available at You'll find her work published with,, Focus on the Family, Life Audio, and many others. Kristi, her handsome, retired-from-the-Navy husband, and their three children survived a nomadic, military lifestyle and have set roots in Oklahoma—where she keeps a close watch for tornadoes and good chocolate.

Find all Kristi's Bible Studies here—

Kristi is giving away a copy of her printable Bible Study on being not afraid: Fear What?


Leave a comment to be entered in the drawing! Thank you, Kristi!

Fear’s on a mission. Maybe you or the people surrounding you are living afraid due to health conditions or disease. Perhaps the social climate brings rise to fear. Or, how about everyday situations like rejection, failure, not being enough, etc.?

Most, if not all, of us feel fear’s impact. Sadly, it can stop us in our spiritual tracks. Let’s declare, “No more.”

Truth debunks fear’s power. It really does. Here’s a Bible study to help you in the journey.


A favorite recipe of Kristi's which looks amazing and simple is:

Shoyu Chicken 

We gathered this recipe when we lived in Hawaii. It's not precise, but close enough. :-) 

8-12 boneless, skinless chicken thighs

1 cup soy sauce or Bragg's Liquid Aminos

3 cloves garlic, minced

1/2" minced, fresh ginger

Opt: Add 1 c. sugar to soy sauce/Bragg's Liquid Aminos if sweetness is preferred.

Add thighs to a slow cooker. Top with other ingredients and cover. Cook on low for 6-8 hours or until the chicken temperature reaches 165 degrees. 

Sides: Cooked short-grain or Jasmine rice make a nice side dish. Add a simple lettuce salad. This is a typical Hawaiian meal. 



Maybe your biggest fear is inviting someone into your home. During Covid, I can see why! But how about your backyard? Here's a free printable for you to get it on the calendar:

Print here.

To get four more printables to help you serve up what's simple and great from a heart-full of love, subscribe here (and unsubscribe anytime).

Kristi Woods is a writer and speaker—but mostly a Jesus girl. She encourages readers to grow in faith with downloadable Bible studies such as Fear What? Debunking the Power of Fear and free, faith-building printables like 30 Days in Psalms: A Bible Reading Plan, available at You'll find her work published with,, Focus on the Family, Life Audio, and many others. Kristi, her handsome, retired-from-the-Navy husband, and their three children survived a nomadic, military lifestyle and have set roots in Oklahoma—where she keeps a close watch for tornadoes and good chocolate. 

A favorite recipe of Kristi's which looks amazing and simple is:

Shoyu Chicken 

We gathered this recipe when we lived in Hawaii. It's not precise, but close enough. :-) 

8-12 boneless, skinless chicken thighs

1 cup soy sauce or Bragg's Liquid Aminos

3 cloves garlic, minced

1/2" minced, fresh ginger

Opt: Add 1 c. sugar to soy sauce/Bragg's Liquid Aminos if sweetness is preferred.

Add thighs to a slow cooker. Top with other ingredients and cover. Cook on low for 6-8 hours or until the chicken temperature reaches 165 degrees. 

Sides: Cooked short-grain or Jasmine rice make a nice side dish. Add a simple lettuce salad. This is a typical Hawaiian meal.