We all have the same 24 hours in a day. But for some of us and for some days, we get to the end of our 24 hours and wonder where the time went. I'm not a Time-Management Guru - I know people who are. I've taken their courses. They have great ideas (if I would only do them!)

I first wrote about this grand topic for the premier issue of The Joyful Life Magazine. I'll add the "Time-Scriptures" below. I'd love to hear if you picked one to help you manage your time better for the glory of God and the peace of your soul. Or, if you found another to help you think in terms of using your days, weeks and years for a legacy that counts.

Do you make lists and check the boxes on a regular basis?

I’ve learned from each of these amazing women—they ARE time-management gurus, and gracious besides:

Work by Design Course by Claire Ortiz-Diaz

Living Well, Spending Less by Ruth Soukup

Run Like a Girl coaching services by Kathy Vick


"Time-Scriptures"— A word or two from the All-Wise God on how best to use our time. Pick one and learn it by heart and allow it to help you know how to spend your days.



Looking for a new summer Bible Study to do on your own or with a couple of friends? Check out: Hospitality, 101: Lessons From the Ultimate Host, a 12-Week Bible Study

When we understand God’s welcome, we can better pass it on to another.

For a limited time, I’m offering Chapter One of my Bible Study: Hospitality, 101—Lessons From the Ultimate Host, a 12-Week Bible Study.




How to invest in what matters beyond ourselves. We have one life - let’s make the most of it for God, others, and eternity.
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