Everybody and their mother is writing their "Mission Statements" these days. Why the big deal? How important is it to develop a Mission Statement? For our daughter, Bonnie’s company, it was important enough for her to spend nine months, as well for her company to pour thousands of dollars into manpower, TV ads and in the end, declaring: “This is what we’re about and it’s a great thing!”

I can’t help but wonder: What is the Believer's Manifesto?

Don’t I need a Mission Statement? Something to live my life under like a well-constructed canopy of truth, guiding and guarding my thoughts, words, and actions. If so, where do I start?

As Christians, we have the ultimate marketing team: God, the Father – Founder, Director. Christ, the Son – Brand Authority. And the Holy Spirit – Influencer/Equipper.  Besides the power-packed Trinity, we’re granted 24/7 access to Scripture, a handbook of all wisdom and knowledge breathed from God’s heart to ours.

I have what I need to make my Mission Statement. The real question remains:

Will it make a difference in how I live? A statement means nothing without the will and desire to follow God with all my heart.


Read about Sue’s topics and testimonials at womenspeakers.com

How to invest in what matters beyond ourselves. We have one life - let’s make the most of it for God, others, and eternity.
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