Julie, Kendra, and Kristin—creators of the growing online community The Ruth Experience—are three friends whose lives are intertwined as writers, speakers, wives, moms, and world-changers. They are the authors of five books, including their most recent The One Year Daily Acts of Kindness Devotional and 100 Days of Kindness. They believe that when we walk together as women, we can unleash new possibilities for ourselves—and others.

Why a legacy of kindness? It all began with moms talking about the length of their kids' Christmas Wish Lists. How could pass on a legacy of giving vs receiving at the most wonderful time of the year? Advent Acts of Kindness was launched and the rest is history. 

When we look for ways to show kindness, we live more intentionally. We put it on the calendar. We follow through with actions instead of only thinking something is a good idea. And the best part? 

Our kids soak it up and become leaders in kindness without our having to tell them to be kind. 

One Hundred Days of Kindness Devotional

New book coming October:

The One Year Daily Acts of Friendship: 365 Days to Finding, Keeping, and Loving Your Friends

And in Spring:

100 Daily Acts of Friendship for Girls: A Devotional

This trio is busy spreading kindness.Connect with The Ruth Experience on www.theruthexperience.com and follow on Instagram @theruthexperience 


Bacon Spaghetti Sauce (need I say more? Bacon is a food group)

by Kristin Demery

5-6 strips of bacon

½ onion, diced

2 t. garlic, chopped (about 2 cloves)

1 lb. ground beef

2 - 28 oz. cans diced tomatoes

4 t. dried basil

2 t. dried oregano

2 t. dried parsley

½ cup red wine

Salt, to taste

Tomato paste (*optional, although I don’t use it)



Cook bacon according to package directions. Once fully cooked, remove from pan and set aside.
Leaving bacon fat in pan, add ground beef, onions, and garlic and cook on medium.
Once ground beef is no longer pink and onions are soft and somewhat translucent, add tomatoes.
Stir in spices and red wine, turn heat down to medium-low and let simmer for a while.
Chop bacon and add back into the spaghetti sauce. Taste-test to see if additional salt or spices are needed.


*If the sauce isn’t thick enough, you can also add a small can of tomato paste but will need to add additional spices.


Speaking of kindness. Jesus says to love our neighbor as ourselves. Do you have a new neighbor? Or are you the newbie and you need to make some friends? Here's my New Neighbor Packet - enjoy!

We all know how it feels to be the new person on the block. How can you feel at home quickly in this time of social isolation? And how can you help a new family feel welcomed on your street or in your town?
Subscribe and receive THREE printables:
"Introduce Yourself to Your Neighbors"
"Welcome a New Neighbor"
"Best Welcome Muffin Recipe Ever: Tollhouse Muffins"
Subscribe Here



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