You will love hearing Laura Thomas's story today, not only because she's from the UK and sounds like she lives at Downton Abby, but because her love for God and others shines through everything she says. Laura is an author, speaker, and mentor and blogs at

She dreamed of becoming a writer as a child and kept it a secret dream for 20 years, and now is a published writer of mostly Christian fiction. 

Laura will be giving away a signed, personalized copy of The Glass Bottom Boat - first in her Flight to Freedom Series. Leave comment to be entered!

Her legacy is storytelling not just because she writes stories but because she has seen the value of how our stories can touch and encourage others. We don't have to have a grand story of success or a painful story of crisis to have our story be used of God. He's created us uniquely and all stories are of value.

A published Christian author, Laura writes heartwarming encouragement for your soul. She has three Christian romantic suspense novels published as well as a Christian teen fiction trilogy, marriage book, middle-grade novel, several anthology books, devotionals, articles, and stories in magazines and online.

Laura is a chocoholic mom of three, married to her high school sweetheart—originally from the UK, they live in Kelowna, British Columbia as audacious empty-nesters.Find more on her website:

INSTAGRAM: @lauracthomas 
FACEBOOK PAGE: @LauraThomasAuthor
TWITTER: @Laura_Thomas_
PINTEREST: lauracthomas


“A storytellers’ job is to find the common threads in this tattered world and hold them out so that a reader will grab and pull until the veil is torn in two and they behold the heart of God.” --Robin Jones Gunn
“After nourishment, shelter, and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.” --Philip Pullman


And here’s Laura's recipe for her go-to chocolate cake, the perfect accompaniment to a good story!




2 cups sugar

1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour

3/4 cups cocoa

1 1/2 tsp baking soda

1 1/2 tsp baking powder

1 tsp salt

2 tsp vanilla

2 eggs

1 cup milk

1/2 cup vegetable oil

1 cup boiling water


1/4 cup butter or marg (melted)

2 cups icing sugar

1/4 cup cocoa

1/2 tsp vanilla

1-3 tsp milk as needed



1. Heat oven to 350 degrees

2. Combine dry ingredients in a bowl

3. Add eggs, oil, milk, and vanilla— mix well

4. Carefully stir in boiling water (batter will be thin)

5. Pour into greased baking cake pan

6. Bake for 50-70 mins depending on oven (check after 50 mins)

7. Cool and frost


1. Melt butter in microwave

2. Add to icing sugar and cocoa— mix well

3. Add vanilla and milk a little at a time, until desired consistency

*Optional: top cake with grated chocolate/ berries










When asked, "What's the greatest commandment?" Jesus replied simply: "Love God, love your neighbor." I imagine He was thinking,"It's not rocket science" or "What's not to like?" or  "It's not complicated."

He was right, it's not complicated.

I make it complicated. I need to pray daily to uncomplicate what He says is best for me and best for others. So I wrote 31 Days of Uncomplicated Prayers, and once I pray them through, I start over again. 

You can too.

Sign up HERE to receive 31 Days of Uncomplicated Prayers to take the "complicated" out of the simple commands of Jesus. Love God. Love your neighbor. It's not complicated.