I met Sarah at a coffee shop during her book signing. She signed my book. We got acquainted. I asked, "What's your mission in life?" (She's young. She can handle big questions. I'm old. I ask them.)

"My mission is to share with others the foundational, healing, and transformational love of God." That was a mouthful, and you will love hearing some of Sarah's story that sadly includes childhood sexual abuse, depression, and suicide ideations. She came to finally accept that in spite of things she experienced as well as the lies she continued to tell herself, that God did indeed love her. And she wants you to know the same truth. 

I ask in this interview, "How did you know God loved you even though you had been a victim of another's sin?" She replied, "Well, one thing was that it could have been worse. I thought of suidcide but I never made a plan."  God kept her from continuing down that path and there's nothing more than either of us would have you know today that He wants you to live. He loves you. He will restore and heal. No wound too deep beyond His love.


To access Sarah's FREE Life Balance Worksheet, CLICK HERE. 

Sarah's legacy is in her tagline: Sarah de Orlando, Chief Hope-Giver. We all need hope. God will heal and restore because He loves us so very much.

Sarah de Orlando is an author, speaker, and the Chief-Hope-Giver of Sarah de Orlando Coaching. She recently left her structural engineering career after an encounter with Jesus in 2016 brought her full circle to her purpose: to live a life rooted in Jesus’ love. Her heart is to help others discover and embrace their own unique, vibrant journey with him and be set free to be who they are created to be. She is married to her college sweetheart, Andres and they have one super-cute daughter. In her downtime, you can find her hiking her favorite trails in San Luis Obispo, California, or strolling the beaches in search of perfect sea glass. Her debut memoir about her heart restoration was released in March of 2021 and you get get your copy at sarahdeorlando.com or Amazon.

You can find more of Sarah's message at these places


 Sarah's recipe:
"Grammie that Knits" Banana Bread with a de Orlando Twist:
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 tsp vanilla
Dash of cinnamon
2 eggs
1 1/2 cup flour (all-purpose gluten-free flour like Bob's Red Mill comes out great)
1 tsp baking soda
3 large brown bananas, mashed
3/4 cup chocolate chips (optional)
Preheat oven to 350 F. In a medium bowl, cream sugar, butter, vanilla, and cinnamon. Add eggs and mix until blended. Spoon in flour and baking powder and mix, scraping down sides occasionally. Add mashed banana and mix until blended. Stir in chocolate chips by hand. Pour batter into a greased 9"x9" pan. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until the toothpick comes out clean when inserted in the center.



When asked, "What's the greatest commandment?" Jesus replied simply: "Love God, love your neighbor." I imagine He was thinking,"It's not rocket science" or "What's not to like?" or  "It's not complicated."

He was right, it's not complicated.

I make it complicated. I need to pray daily to uncomplicate what He says is best for me and best for others. So I wrote 31 Days of Uncomplicated Prayers, and once I pray them through, I start over again. 

You can too.

Sign up HERE to receive 31 Days of Uncomplicated Prayers to take the "complicated" out of the simple commands of Jesus. Love God. Love your neighbor. It's not complicated.