Katy is taking over the podcast today!
If you know anything about Katy, she LOVES storytelling.

If you are in the direct sales space, or do any type of recruitment for your business we want to make sure we are speaking to our audience so they feel seen, heard, and understood, so that means we have to speak to the problems and desire they have.

On this week on the Direct Sales Done Right podcast, Katy is sharing exact her story of her mindset and thought process of the direct sales opportunity when Melanie was presenting the business opportunity to her when they first were starting this direct sales businesses.

The Rockstar Direct Sales Recruitment course is officially open for enrollment!
The best part is that I am going to have LIVE Q&A sessions each week beginning September 26, 2023.
Each lesson will be uploaded to your unique course portal for lifetime access.

Each lesson will have resources and guides to help you implement what you are learning.

You will have access to a members only Facebook group where you can connect with other women in direct sales whose goal is to build a strong thriving team too!

Inside of the members only Facebook group, you will have access to exclusive live updates, additional video content, and Q&A sessions.

Enroll for class here: https://chicinfluencer.com/direct-sales-services/courses/direct-sales-recruitment-course/