Struggling to stand out and get noticed by your dream clients?
Listen now to my interview with Shauna Van Mourik, #Copywriter and #ContentStrategist to learn how to make #copywriting and #contentstrategy more fun and easy!

About Shauna:
Shauna Van Mourik is a copywriter & content strategist from Southern Ontario, Canada who supports service-based entrepreneurs: primarily coaches, mentors, and influencers to level up their content & copywriting so they can not only save time and convert at a higher rate but also feel good doing it!
She focuses on "the 2 icities": Authenticity & Simplicity! These principals work in tandem because as you show up more authentically, life & business becomes simpler - As life & business become simpler, you can show up more and more authentically!
Being true to yourself and keeping things simple also helps you to stand out in the sea of sameness so that you can catch the attention of your dream clients - which is no small feat in today's online market.

Book your Discovery call today!

Authentic Copy & Content Strategy Community:

#copywritingtips #contentstrategytips
Samia Bano is the #HappinessExpert, author, speaker, podcaster & coach for coaches and healers. Samia is most known for her book, 'Make Change Fun and Easy' and her #podcast of the same name. With the help of her signature Follow Your Heart Process™, a unique combination of #PositivePsychology and the spiritual wisdom of our most effective #ChangeMakers, Samia helps you overcome #LimitingBeliefs, your chains of fear, to develop a #PositiveMindset and create the impact and income you desire with fun and ease…

Samia’s advanced signature programs include the Happiness 101 Class and the Transformative Action Training.

Samia is also a Certified #ReikiHealer and Crisis Counselor working to promote #MentalHealthAwareness.
Samia models #HeartCenteredLeadership and business that is both #SociallyResponsible and #EnvironmentallyFriendly.

Samia is a practicing #Muslim with an inter-spiritual approach. As someone who has a love and appreciation for diversity, she is a #BridgeBuilder between people of different faiths and cultures.
Although Samia currently lives in California, USA, she has lived in 3 other countries and speaks Hindi, Urdu, and English fluently.

To Book your Free HAPPINESS 101 EXPLORATION CALL with Samia, click: