Eczema, chronic runny nose, constipation... Today's kids are plagued with chronic illnesses and often times, little attempt is made to look a bit deeper at what might be causing it. Dr. Sheila Kilbane is changing that for her patients and beyond. She joins me to discuss some of the most common chronic ailments popping up in children and how parents can get real answers and solutions.

In this episode:

The chronic issues popping up the mostWhy do modern kids seem to be overwhelmed with inflammation and these other outward chronic issues? The role of nutrition and dietDairy and it's links to inflammation and/or symptoms The ideal diet for a child starting to exhibit some of these chronic illnesses or to stay healthyWhat are some of the major contributors to eczema and what can parents do? 

And so much more!


Dr. Kilbane's practice
Her Book
Supplement Guide
Eczema Guide
Eczema Webinar
Dr. Kilbane's Course