Bad Dad? Half Of Fathers Have Experienced Daddy-Shaming, Poll Reveals

As families prepare to celebrate dads for all that they do, one gift no father wants to get is a heaping helping of shame. Tales of “mommy-shaming” have cropped up from time to time in the media in recent years, but according to a recent national poll, about half of all fathers say they too have been struck with slings and arrows for all manners of parenting missteps — from overdoing the discipline, to abandoning the diet, to playing too rough.

The nationally-representative poll of 713 fathers of children ages 13 and under found that nearly half of fathers receive the criticism in a positive light and make some adjustments, but others have an opposite reaction, according to the C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health at the University of Michigan.

Criticism makes more than a quarter of dads feel less confident in their parenting skills and one in five feels like stepping back from the parenting role. For many fathers (43 percent), the criticism seems unfair.