'Lawnmower Parents' Take Over From 'Helicopter Moms' As The New Generation Aim To Shield Their Children From Adversity 

A new generation of parents are leaving their children unequipped to deal with adversity, teachers and psychologists say.  The 'lawnmower parent' is one who rushes to push down any hurdle that could get in their child's way, relieving them from any inconvenience or hardship.

In an anonymous article for We Are Teachers, one educator revealed their own brush with a 'lawnmower parent' when they were called to the office to pick something up from a student's father. Thinking it would be something important, like medication or lunch, the teacher was outraged to see the man standing there, holding an insulated water bottle.

STORY LINK: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6182905/Lawnmower-parents-helicopter-moms.html