Today's show focuses on: How to Cope with the trauma of sexual assault 

Featured Guests: Kiara James & Angela Esquivel

Kiara James is a rising senior at Morgan State University studying in the School of Social Work. She has been with FORCE: Upsetting Rape Culture since November 2015. She has been involved with projects such as Affirmative Consent legislation for Maryland’s higher education system, FORCE’s video project detailing consent from the perspective of everyday intimate interactions, as well as close workings with The Monument Quilt project. Kiara has been a member of the collective of survivors in Baltimore, Gather Together since its inception. She is a member of The Monument Quilt’s Leadership Team directly working on fundraising for The Monument Quilt project. 

Angela Esquivel is an Assistant Dean of Students at Stanford University's Graduate Life Office. She is also Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the As One Project, a national 501(c)(3) organization that supports friends and family of survivors of sexual assault.  A survivor of sexual assault, Angela has committed herself to leveraging traumatic experiences into powerful catalysts for change. She served over 300 hours as a rape crisis counselor for the District of Columbia Rape Crisis Center, answering calls on the hotline and meeting survivors at the hospital who were receiving forensic medical examinations In July of 2012, Angela was asked to speak alongside Senators Boxer (D-CA), Murray (D-WA), and Blumenthal (D-CT) at a United States Senate press conference in support of the reauthorization of the bi-partisan Violence Against Women Act. Angela's was one voice of many that ultimately led to Congress passing this significant legislation in February 2013. Her remarks can be viewed on YouTube here: