Jill Johnson-Young, LCSW (bio in her words below)

I created Your Path Through Grief because there were no programs that walked with a survivor from Day One to the end of the first year. Yes, there are some nice emails that may come daily, but they are not written by a grief expert, and they don't touch the process of grief and recovery.

As a former hospice medical social worker, a therapist, a Grief Recovery Facilitator, and, most importantly, as someone who has walked this walk, those did not fit for me. They also did not help the folks I worked with- they felt like happy thoughts, not helping hands.

I also wanted a program that was distinctly not faith based. That's not to say that those who have a strong faith tradition should not rest heavily on that after a loss. But I wanted something that allowed for those who do not share a faith, or who are angry and can't connect with their faith after the devastation of a loss. You will not find this to be anti-religious, but you will not find suggestions based on an assumed faith.

Texas Based - Dr. John Huber (www.mainstreammentalhealth.org) is the Chairman for Mainstream Mental Health, a non-profit organization that brings lasting and positive change to the lives of individuals that suffer from mental health issues.  

Produced by Goldman McCormick PR