Dr. John Huber (www.mainstreammentalhealth.org) is the Chairman for Mainstream Mental Health

News Stories of Week

The Mindset Of The University Of Texas Attacker & How Victims Can Begin To Cope With PTSD 

What Brad Pitt’s Revealing Interview In GQ Magazine Says About His Mental Health 

Groundbreaking Study Reveals 93% of Veterans Charged With Crimes Do No Re-Offend If Given Adequate Mental Health Treatment

Cruel YouTube Father & Stepmom Who Filmed Themselves Telling Their Nine-Year-Old Son He Was Going To Be Adopted And Smashing His X-Box Lose Custody Of Their Two Children


GUEST: Scott Schmaren

NeuroPerformanceologist Scott Schmaren is a nationally known speaker, coach and author. He has spent over 20 years learning powerful success technologies. He has used what he has learned and created to transform his life, losing 180+ pounds and maintaining it while rediscovering his vitality. His coaching program has literally transformed peoples’ lives, helping them discover how amazing they are and live the life of their dreams.

Scott has developed his own technique called, “Mind Performance Training™ (MPT)” that allows people to make rapid and permanent changes to their lives so they can overcome obstacles, challenges and accomplish all of their goals, dreams and visions they have.