Mother Mary has two requests…do you know what they are? I have been studying Her apparitions for over ten years, and I discovered a theme.

Each time She appears, She asks for two things.

The first thing She asks us to do is pray. She doesn’t mean to ‘just pray,’ She means to pray as a way to deepen your connection with the Divine. She asks us to strengthen our connection with God through prayer. Interestingly, She never asks anyone to convert, but to pray in whatever method you choose.

The most important part of the request is to pray so that you experience a profound change in your heart. THAT is the kind of prayer She asks for.

In this episode, which is my 200th episode, I go more deeply into the request to pray, AND I will share the second request that She continues to ask all of us. Both of these requests have the ability to transform your life AND the planet!

How would your life be different if you KNEW your prayers were always answered?

PS - Mother Mary has asked me to teach you how to pray to experience a profound change in your heart. For more info about the new Prayer Program, click here


Key Learnings:

When Mother Mary appears to us, as She has so many times, one of Her requests is prayer. She asks us to pray, but not just praying for its own sake, but to deepen our connection with the Divine.

The second request is to CREATE something! Whether She requests a chapel to be built, or a medal to be struck, or a school or ministry to be founded…She asks us to create something. What are you being called to create?

Put your hand on your heart and ask “What is the prayer of my heart?” What is longing to be created through you?

“What is the prayer of your heart? What is longing to be created through you?”


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