Have you ever wondered if you could heal a relationship with someone AFTER they die? Or if you can connect with your loved ones who have crossed over? According to this week’s guest, Perdita Finn, author of Take Back the Magic – Conversations with the Unseen World, the answer is absolutely!

Last week I shared my review of this miraculous book, and this week we have the honor of speaking with Perdita Finn and hearing her amazing story of healing her relationship with her late father.

If you’ve been listening to the podcast for a while, you know that this is Perdita’s fourth appearance, and for good reason. I truly believe her work with helping us connect with our ancestors and deceased loved ones is crucial at this time on the planet.

If you are new to her work, let me introduce you: Perdita Finn is the co-founder, with her husband Clark Strand, of the non-denominational international fellowship The Way of the Rose, which inspired their book The Way of the Rose: The Radical Path of the Divine Feminine Hidden in the Rosary. In addition to extensive study with Zen masters, priests, rabbis, shamans, and healers, she apprenticed with the psychic Susan Saxman, with whom she wrote The Reluctant Psychic. Finn now teaches popular workshops on Getting to Know the Dead, in which participants are empowered to activate the magic in their own lives with the help of their ancestors. She lives with her family in the moss-filled shadows of the Catskill Mountains.

In this episode, Perdita will share the miraculous story of how she first discovered that her dead father was not only able to help her, but EAGER to do so. She also shares how a spirit from the other side protected her son in a dramatic way, and the sweet reason WHY. I will also share the miraculous story of the day I received this book, and how it helped me deal with a family loss.

I highly recommend you connect with Perdita and check out her upcoming classes and events at https://takebackthemagic.com/.


Key Learnings:

Perdita’s father was a doctor who was overworked and cranky most of the time. They did not have a good relationship, and after his death, she discovered that he completely disinherited his three children. Not concerned about the money, it was the complete lack of acknowledgement of her as his daughter, that he cared for her in the slightest way that hurt so much. Imagine her surprise when a psychic told her her father wanted to help her!

Life is not linear, and we have all the time in the world. What if you believed that? The dead see life from a much broader perspective than we do, and have access to resources that we cannot even imagine. 

A simple way to invite your ancestors and loved ones into your life is to create an ancestor altar. When you make room for the dead in your home and life, they will show up and make miracles with you. 


“Our ancestors are standing by to help us overcome obstacles, seize opportunities, and make the impossible possible. They long to be involved with us again, and they have resources we cannot imagine.” Perdita Finn

Click Here to purchase Take Back the Magic by Perdita Finn

Click here to learn about Perdita’s upcoming classes

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