What’s better than an Advent calendar filled with chocolates? An Advent BOOK filled with inspiration!

I apologize for not making you aware of this book before Advent began, but I just forgot about it until this weekend! And it is SO good, I just had to share it with you to help you have a deeper experience of Advent and the Holiday season! Ellen Grace O’Brian is one of my favorite spiritual teachers, and her book is a true gem, one you can refer to again and again!

In this episode, I share how this book can help you transform a hectic time of year into a truly sacred one! I will also share the tools and resources the author recommends to help you go even deeper.

If you would like to purchase this book, click here for the Show Notes

PS- To find out more about Mother Mary’s Inner Circle Message Program, click here 


Key Learnings:

Advent is the traditional time of waiting for Christ to be born. It begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas. By meditating on the symbols of this season, you can begin to connect with the deeper meaning available to you.

The practices are simple: read the daily lesson, meditate daily, keep an advent journal and pay attention to what arises for you.

Expectant waiting is different than passive waiting. When you KNOW that the light is returning, that your own soul’s light is expanding, waiting becomes a spiritual practice in itself. 

“Awakening to Christ Consciousness is beholding the One in all. Compassion is its natural expression.” Ellen Grace O’Brian 


Click here to purchase Path of Wonder: A Meditator’s Guide to Advent by Ellen Grace O’Brian

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