Are you familiar with the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe in December of 1531? It is one of my favorite stories, not only because it is filled with miracle after miracle, but because it contains a message for all lightworkers!

Mother Mary appeared to Juan Diego four times, beginning on Dec 9th and culminating with one of the greatest miracles ever recorded on Dec 12th!

In this encore episode, I will share the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the powerful message She gives to Juan Diego, a message that I believe is for ALL Lightworkers throughout time! I will also share how Her message to trust in Her, more than in any illness, is even more relevant during this time. 

I’d love to hear your thoughts about this powerful story and how it might be speaking directly to you!

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Key Learnings:

Mother Mary appeared to Juan Diego in December of 1531 with a message that still rings true for Lightworkers today. She asks us to go beyond our fears and fulfill our purpose as messengers of Light.

When Juan Diego’s uncle became ill, he thought he could not keep his promise to Mother Mary. Mother Mary understands our worldly commitments and family concerns, but She does not want us to be limited by them. Ask for Her help and She will help you.

If you feel unable to do what your heart calls you to do, remember what Our Lady of Guadalupe said to Juan Diego: “I have many servants and messengers who I can call, but it is imperative that YOU meditate for my will to be fulfilled.”

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Click here for my favorite image of Our Lady of Guadalupe

To see an image of the eye of Our Lady of Guadalupe, click here

If you love the image on the wall behind me of Mother Mary Blessing the World, you can order your own museum quality copy at