Qi" (pronounced chee), means air, breath of life, or vital energy that flows through all things in the universe."Gong" (pronounced gung, as in lung) means the skill of working with, or cultivating, self-discipline and achievement. Together, Qigong means the skill of cultivating vital energy, or the ability to work with the electromagnetic energy of the body. Qigong is a mind-body practice that improves one's mental and physical health by integrating postures, movement, breathing techniques, and focused intention. Today we welcome, hitchhiker Eve Soldinger. Eve shares her incredible journey; She studied with a Mayan Elder, wrote a book about her dad who through Alzheimer's taught her much. She knows crystals, oils, acupuncture, has psychic abilities, and is a Qi Gong master and teacher. This is definitely an adventure you want to be on. ALL ABOARD!!

For more on Eve Soldinger:

Website: evesoldinger.com

Classes: evesoldinger.com/classes

Book: https://amzn.to/3kd4vFr