Today I’m giving you a proven process to work through so you can finally make goals for yourself that will make a difference, so you tell a better story.

Storytelling is a marvelous thing, it’s what our society is built on and what drives our attention to buy, believe, and belong in this world. If you are making goals for yourself this year it is undoubtably so you can tell a better story about your life. So, when you’re making your goals why would you not do the work to better understand the story behind the goal?

You could make a goal like: lose 25 pounds.

Fine, but it’s not enough. There’s nothing to it. There’s no meaning behind it, it’s empty, if it’s not met what does it really matter

And if it doesn’t matter if it isn’t reached, then it really doesn’t matter if it is reached and ultimately it’s too much work for your body and brain to understand why you’re trying to do this thing…and you won’t. Goal unreached, same old story told.

But if you create a story to go along with your goal, you will have everything you need to stay engaged until the end.

There is a worksheet to go along with this process; you can download that from the website for this episode.

Today I’m giving you a proven process to work through so you can finally make goals for yourself that will make a difference, so you tell a better story. 

Storytelling is a marvelous thing, it’s what our society is built on and what drives our attention to buy, believe, and belong in this world. If you are making goals for yourself this year it is undoubtably so you can tell a better story about your life. So, when you’re making your goals why would you not do the work to better understand the story behind the goal?

You could make a goal like: lose 25 pounds. 

Fine, but it’s not enough. There’s nothing to it. There’s no meaning behind it, it’s empty, if it’s not met what does it really matter?

And if it doesn’t matter if it isn’t reached, then it really doesn’t matter if it is reached and ultimately it’s too much work for your body and brain to understand why you’re trying to do this thing…and you won’t. Goal unreached, same old story told. 

But if you create a story to go along with your goal, you will have everything you need to stay engaged until the end. 

There is a worksheet to go along with this process; you can download it below.

Click the image to download the free worksheet

The seven steps to making goals to tell a better story are: 

Who’s story is this?

What’s your conflict?

What are you going to do about it?

Who is going to help you?

What will happen if you reach this goal? What if you don’t?

If ‘Yes’ to this goal, then ‘No’ to what else?

What is the title of this book/chapter?

In this episode I highlight Jon Acuff’s book, FINISH. You can find it on Amazon here, and download the Finish workbook to go along with it, here