Some tricks on how you can read more this year than ever before (based on what I did last year), my top five books that made a difference for me, and top five that will surely make a difference for you

Sharing about how I crushed my goal for 2018 - to read 26 books in the year…

I ended up reading 52!

Here’s 5 tricks you can use to read more this year:

1 - Make the decision to actually read more!

2 - Make up your mind what works for you (pencil with you, hard copy, kindle, quiet?)

3 - Make your goal then cut it in half, post the progress as you go

4 - Make it fun - let go of expectations & comparisons

5 - Make a change to your rhythm

Here’s my top five books that made a difference in my life:

5 - Finish - Jon Acuff

4 - Building a StoryBrand - Donald Miller

3 - Thirst - Scott Harrison

2 - Falling Upward - Richard Rohr

1 - The Coaching Habit - Michael Bungay Stanier

Here’s my top five books that will make a difference in your life:

5 - There’s No Such Thing as Bad Weather - Linda Akeson McGurk

4 - HP and the Deathly Hallows (entire series) - J.K. Rowling

3 - Drive - Daniel H. Pink

2 - Everybody Always - Bob Goff

1 - Finish - Jon Acuff

“Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic.” - Dumbledore