Welcome back to another special episode of the Madam Athlete podcast! On the second Tuesday of the month, I take a deep dive into a career-related topic, and on today’s episode it’s time to take your freaking vacation!

I’ll share the science-backed evidence showing the health benefits of vacation time, the science behind what makes for an excellent vacation, and the mindset hacks you need to help you take and enjoy your vacation time.

You can find the show notes and more resources at https://madamathlete.com

I mention two other episodes in today's show, you can check them out here:

Episode 54:  Key Steps to Setting Boundaries Episode 76:  How to Set Goals When You are Burnt the F* Out

And if you want the free handout of 50 small goals to get you started when you're in burnout, click here!

Keep an eye out for new content or let us know what you'd like to see next by following us on social:
Instagram:  @theMadamAthlete
Facebook:  @MadamAthlete
Twitter:  @MadamAthlete

You can find the show notes and more resources at https://madamathlete.com

Keep an eye out for new content or let us know what you'd like to see next by following us on social:
Instagram: @theMadamAthlete
Facebook: @MadamAthlete
Twitter: @MadamAthlete

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