On today’s episode, I’m talking to orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Stacie Grossfeld about being ready for the next challenge.

Stacie has her own orthopaedic practice in Louisville and values the independence she’s found as a surgeon employed outside of a hospital system. To keep her practice running, Stacie is continually learning new skills to stay fresh and current. She purposely avoids falling into the trap of thinking that her expertise in one field, like medicine, is enough to make her successful in another, like her businesses. 

We talk about:

How Stacie first considered a different pathway to pursue her vision of helping people and athletes return to sport before deciding that orthopaedics was right for her. How in order to create balance with whatever else was going on in her life, Stacie has created boundaries in her work but has also allowed them to change and adapt over the years.The way Stacie runs multiple side businesses and attributes her success to making sure that her focus is always on the task at hand. 

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