Today I want to take a deep dive into how you can determine IF you have a slow metabolism! So often I get messages from ladies who think they have a slow metabolism but aren’t 100% positive, so today - I am going to walk through the top ways that you can “self-audit” to help you determine if you have a slow metabolism!


I am going to give you five different signs you can look out for to know if you have a slow metabolism. I cover what a reverse diet is, how tracking macros can help you achieve fat loss, weight loss and food freedom. Let’s Dive in!

Connect with Caitlen:


🌮 The CSchmidt Macro Calculator: click me!


👩🏼‍🎓Coaching with Caitlen (Beautiful Peach Mastermind - BPM): ​​click me!


⭐FREE Metabolism Report: click me!


⭐FREE Reverse Diet for Sustainable Weight Loss & Food Freedom Webinar: click me


💻 The Reverse Diet Course: click me!


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