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596 episodes - English - Latest episode: 28 days ago - ★★★★★ - 1.5K ratings

Ever get the feeling that your government is out to get you? They are, and we set about to uncover the century's long plan for world domination by the psychopaths that are running the planet. We laugh at how insane it all is and interview prominent guests that might have ideas on how to foil their plans on Macroaggressions with Charlie Robinson.

Government Comedy
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#73: Assange, Elections, and the Great Reset | Steve Poikonen

November 15, 2020 05:00 - 1 hour

Thousands of days have passed since Julian Assange was arrested for doing the job the media should have done and telling the truth about the American Empire, and some people have never forgotten. Steve Poikonen from Slow News Day has never stopped talking about the fraud surrounding the Assange case, and his organization has been on the front lines of the trial in the UK live-streaming the proceedings to an American public that is being prevented from seeing what is actually happening. Why...

#72: The Red Dragon vs. Uncle Sam

November 11, 2020 05:00 - 1 hour

China is an interesting place, to say the least. In less than half a century the country was transformed from mostly farmland into the largest factory on earth. This was not an accident. When David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, and Richard Nixon set out to normalize relations with China, they had a much darker plan in place to outsource the manufacturing of the United States to this developing nation while gutting America’s heartland. What is the role of the United States and China in the ...

#71: Financial Planning For a Constantly Changing Future | Tim Picciott

November 08, 2020 05:00 - 1 hour

The media would have you believe that the stock market is the most important barometer of the economic health of the country, but only the top 20% of Americans are even stockholders. Marketplaces like LIBOR, FOREX, and COMEX have been rigged by the big banks for years, to the point where they have had to plead guilty and pay billions of dollars in fines. So where do people put their money when the entire system seems rigged against them? Tim Picciott from The Liberty Advisor stops by to ex...

#70: The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire

November 04, 2020 05:00 - 1 hour

The new book, “The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire”, is out and available on Amazon. This is the story of how the book came to be, and the topics covered within. Backed by over 250 footnotes, the book focuses on how the American Empire has been slated for destruction, why this is happening, how it will be implemented, what to look for before the whole thing goes down, who is behind it, and where we go from here. The level of destruction that will be left in the wake of the end...

#69: Rigging the Detonators on the American Empire | Jeff Berwick

November 01, 2020 19:05 - 1 hour

The two authors of “The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire” sit down to discuss the story behind the new book. From the rotting foundation to the pre-weakening of the building, to identifying the support columns, the Empire has been slated for destruction. Jeff Berwick, the owner of The Dollar Vigilante and the founder of Anarchapulco, the largest anarchist convention in the world, sits down to explain how the book came to be and why he felt compelled to sound the alarm on what he...

#68: Crony Capitalism: An American Tradition

October 28, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

People like to talk about the “American Way” of doing things as if it is always better and more evolved. Sometimes the American way of doing things is just an improvement on the traditional way that things have been done of the centuries. Politicians in the United States act is if bribery and scamming is limited to banana republics and authoritarian regimes, but America has improved upon the old method of filling a bag with money in order to motivate a politician to vote a particular way. ...

#67: Show Me Your Cookies | Johnny Dollar

October 25, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

There is an old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words, and nowhere is that more true than looking at the artwork of Post-Pop Surrealist artist Johnny Dollar. His cryptoanarchy and cypherpunk-inspired art explore themes like the surveillance state, privacy, copyright, hive-mind thinking, and virtual reality. He questions humanity’s ever increasing interplay with technology, whether that be digital, mechanical, pharmaceutical, or neuro-linguistic. Leave it to the artists to see the...

#66: The Death of American Exceptionalism

October 21, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

America is the greatest nation on Earth, just ask any American and they will tell you the same thing. But is that actually true? Maybe there was a time where that statement could be taken at face value, but these days the behavior of the “greatest nation on Earth” has been quite reprehensible with the wars and sanctions expanding, and the opinion of the United States by those in other countries paints a much different version of reality than most Americans know. Is it possible to reclaim t...

#65: Planting Ideas On The Conspiracy Farm | Jeffery Wilson

October 18, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

2020 is wild. It started with fires in Australia, panic in China, media manipulation in the USA and elsewhere, Murder Hornets & Asteroids that keep waiting to make their appearance, and who knows what else is coming. Jeffery Wilson from The Conspiracy Farm joins the show to talk about the state of the world, where things could be heading after the election/selection process, and what we can do to get ready. Buckle up people because the year isn’t over yet. It can’t get any crazier, right? ...

#64: The Carbon Tax Hustle

October 14, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

Everybody wants to save the planet and prevent sad polar bears from starving to death in the Arctic Circle. Nobody wants to be a part of the problem and have the proverbial blood on their hands for destroying this beautiful planet through our reckless carbon emissions. But what if all that data the government and media rely on to make their case about climate change is fake? Who would know, and how could we even go about understanding why they would do something like this in the first place...

#63: Building Your Natural Immunity In An Unnatural World | Tim James

October 11, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

Returning guest and founder of Chemical Free Body, Tim James, explains what we can do to boost our immune system without having to take experimental vaccines or depend on Big Pharma. The human body is an amazing system that has been evolving for thousands of years and is fully capable of healing itself, but it has to have the correct fuel in order to make it all work. Tim explains what we can do in a few simple steps to make sure that our shields are up as we come into the colder months an...

#62: Lies Lies Lies Yeah

October 07, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

The government lies to you. The media lies to you. Your doctor lies to you. Even your mechanic lies to you sometimes. The major difference is that when your mechanic lies to you about needing a new fan belt, it might only cost you $200, but when a government lies it could literally cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. George Carlin rightly stated that his policy was to never believe anything that the government tells the public about anything, so why do so many people still fa...

#61: The Dark History of the Aloha State | Alika Spahn Naihe

October 04, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

For such a beautiful location, Hawaii has a dark history of having to fight off colonizers from foreign countries, as well as those from a variety of churches across the globe. Everybody wants access to the midway point across the Pacific Ocean. Some worked in partnership with the Hawaiians through trade, while others plotted ways to try and capture the tiny island nation. Leave it to the United States to try and steal the island chain through deception, but it’s how the Hawaiian people re...

#60: Terrorism: Built In America

September 30, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

Somewhere along the way, America discovered that the best way to take control of their citizens was to scare them to death and manipulate them through fear. It worked. These days the average American lives their lives with the belief that a terrorist attack is liable to happen just about anywhere because Islamic terrorists hate them for their freedoms. It is partially true that “they” hate them because of their freedoms, but the “they” is actually the American government, and the governmen...

#59: The Boston (non)Bombing | Monica Perez

September 27, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is that nobody died in the Boston Bombing. The bad news is that you aren’t supposed to know this. The drill simulating an actual bombing during the Boston Marathon was passed off to the public as being a real event, even though there is a mountain of evidence proving that it was nothing more than a LARP carried out by a private security firm with the intention of deceiving the public. Monica Perez from the Propaganda Report stops by to help la...

#58: Anti-Social Media

September 23, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

Many of us have been sucked into the abyss of social media over the past decade with the expectation of keeping up with friends, connecting with people from our past, and spying on our ex’s. The benefits of this interaction are at the core of why so many people choose to participate. However, when the service is free, sometimes that means that YOU are the product, and these social media platforms have used their customers to generate vast amounts of data that is being sold to the highest bi...

#57: Hollywood’s Transhumanist Agenda | Ken Ammi

September 20, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

For those that understand the concept of “predictive programming”, the movies show a glimpse into the future that the Controllers wish to bring into existence. Most dismiss this as purely science fiction, but how many movies have we loved as kids only to realize that the dystopian future they showed us is quickly becoming a reality? So the question is “are we watching a fictional account of the future, or are they showing us where we are actually going?” Ken Ammi is the author of many book...

#56: Mainstream Media Vs. Humanity

September 16, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

Your nightly news is lying to you. It’s true, they are not being honest with their viewers, but telling the truth has never been one of their priorities. The CIA infiltrated the corporate news six decades ago through Operation Mockingbird and they have never left. Throw in the undue influence of NGOs like the Council on Foreign Relations, the Atlantic Council, the German Marshall Fund, and the United Nations and you have the makings of a disaster. Add in the passing of the Smith-Mundt Mode...

#55: Policing the Police | Jason Bassler

September 13, 2020 04:00 - 57 minutes

2020 has been the most eventful year in the last half-century, with much of the focus falling on the behavior and tactics of the police. Jason Bassler has been watching them well before it was the cool thing to do, and he brings a unique perspective to the show. Jason is the founder of Police the Police and the co-founder of The Free Thought Project, and he explains how the culture, laws, and external forces help to shape the way that the police behave towards the general public. Should we...

#54: Primed For Panic: Lockdown 2020 | Richard Willett

September 06, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

U.K. documentary filmmaker Richard Willett discusses his latest film “Primed For Panic: Lockdown 2020” that explores how the Coronavirus has been politicized worldwide and used as the pretext to shut down the world. Is the virus actually the killer that it has been advertised to be, or is it part of a much darker agenda that is using COVID-19 as the excuse to bring in a global Orwellian Police State under the guise of keeping everyone safe? Is this the beginning of the “Brave New World” th...

#53: The Vaccine Agenda

September 02, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

People make a very dangerous assumption when it comes to injecting their kids with vaccines, that these products are safe and have been rigorously tested through double-blind studies. They haven’t had those tests conducted, and they are not safe. So why would the Centers For Disease Control put over 70 shots of vaccines on their schedule for kids to take from birth until their teenage years? Because the CDC stands to profit from their ownership stake in these vaccines, and at its core the v...

#52: The Fight For Medical Freedom | CT Freedom Alliance

August 30, 2020 04:00 - 51 minutes

Brian Festa & Dawn Jolly of the Connecticut Freedom Alliance talk about where things stand with vaccine programs in the United States, the coming push for mandatory shots, and the mask mandates that have been rolled out across many states. The legal fight that CT Freedom Alliance has initiated against these mandates are a strong tactic that sends a very clear message that the people of the United States will have a say in these medical decisions, and that the public will not allow medical f...

#51: Government Waste, Evil Corporations, & NGOs

August 26, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

Do you ever wonder if your government is being smart with your tax dollars? Of course, you don’t, nobody thinks that any government is doing the right thing with their tax dollars. It is a scientifically proven fact that governments are run by criminals, but just how bold these criminals actually are might be the only real surprise to most people. Not satisfied to let the government commit all of the crimes, these days big corporations have gotten in on the fraud and corruption as well. Th...

#50: I Protest | Don Jeffries

August 23, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

The host of “I Protest” on Truth Frequency Radio joins us to discuss the state of the nation as he sees it from his perch in the nation’s capital. The social unrest in America could be manufactured by outside forces that have a vested interest in keeping the people divided, but could it also be the inevitable result of decades of systemic abuse of power and a culture of discrimination laid out by the police force? Don Jeffries has spent the last four decades watching and writing about the ...

#49: Regime Change Wars & Empire Building

August 19, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

Tulsi Gabbard put the term “regime change wars” on the map during her run for President in 2019, but what exactly does that mean? Aren’t all wars technically regime change wars? In order to understand why America partakes in wars around the globe, it is important to be honest about what the United States really is: an Empire. In order to maintain and grow the empire there must always be constant war, but the fuel that creates the empire is the very thing that always brings them down. What ...

#48: The Original Conspiracy Theory | Cory Hughes

August 16, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

The United States has never been the same country with the same values and principles since the murder of JFK in 1963. It all changed, and not for the better. It is tempting to assume that everything there is to uncover about the assassination has already been uncovered, but the intelligence agencies that worked to cover up the crime never counted on the type of investigative technologies available to the general public almost six decades later. Cory Hughes is a former police officer that ...

#47: The Spy Who Raped Me

August 12, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

There was a time when Jeffrey Epstein was not a household name, but many people in certain social circles knew exactly who he was and what he was involved with for decades. Who did he work for and what was he doing? Was he a hedge fund manager or a pimp? Was he running the show or was Ghislaine Maxwell, the internationally known socialite that just happened to also be a rapist and child trafficker? This episode focuses on Epstein’s role in the Brownstone operation that was being run down t...

#46: The Dark Secrets of Hollywood | Isaac Weishaupt

August 09, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

The glitz and glamor of Hollywood have been hiding the darker underbelly that has always been a part of the culture of the industry, but it has remained well hidden over the decades, until now. These days conversations about scumbags like Harvey Weinstein are common, but there is an even darker component that has roots in occult magic, Luciferianism, child exploitation, and trafficking. Isaac Weishaupt has written many books on the topic of the occult influence in the music and movie indus...

#45: The Depopulation Agenda

August 05, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

Do you ever get the feeling that your government is trying to kill you? They are, and you are not alone in feeling that way. The more people there are on the planet, the more difficult it is for them to control everyone, so they have made the decision that if they can’t physically control everyone outright, the next best solution is to just get rid of the “useless eaters” and “undesirables” through a stealth program of depopulation through a variety of methods that we explore in this episod...

#44: Uninformed Consent | Ricky Varandas

August 02, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

Big Pharma is selling three things: pills, shots, and fear. And business is booming. Ricky Varandas from The Ripple Effect talks about vaccine safety, effective testing, and the marketing tactics used by the pharmaceutical industry to scare the public into demanding the products that they sell. On the eve of a potential Covid-19 vaccine, let’s get down to the serious business of mandatory vaccines, Bill Gates’ roll in the push, and what awaits those that are trusting of their television, t...

#43: The Intentional Dumbing Down of American Kids

July 29, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

The school system in the United States is broken. There is no debate about this, but where questions arise is whether or not that is accidental or by design? Compulsory schooling has only really been around for about a century and a half, and it was pushed into existence by the Robber barons as a way of preparing the masses for a lifetime of working inside one of their many factories. Does the state actually care that the masses receive a quality education, or are they actually interested ...

#42: Unschooling Yourself | David Rodriguez

July 26, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

Compulsory schooling has been around for 150 years in some form or fashion, and most people assume that the government has a vested interest in making sure that the public receives a great education so that they are prepared to survive in the world. They don’t. They only want to teach the children how to conform to authority, and they only want them to think about the world in a very specific way that benefits the State and almost never the people. David Rodriguez is involved in showing th...

#41: The Business of Sickness

July 22, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

There is no money in healthy people. There is no money in dead people. The money is right in the middle with the never-ending treatment of the symptoms. Keep the patient just healthy enough so they don’t die and can still work, but just sick enough that they need the medicine that Big Pharma just happens to be advertising on the nightly news for an illness that didn’t exist until a couple of years ago when they created it. The pharmaceutical companies are not looking for cures to diseases, ...

#40: Taking Back Control of Your Health | Tim James

July 19, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

For everything that we know about how to properly take care of our cars, we really don’t know all that much about how to take care of our actual bodies. We outsource this understanding to doctors, or worse, Big Pharma. If was up to them they would have us taking expensive pills for everything, but they never really teach us how to be healthy because that would kill their repeat business model. Tim James founded Chemical Free Body after he figured out how to save his own life through adjusti...

#39: How Religion is Used to Control the World

July 15, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

Human beings have a deep desire to know what happens to us when we die. It is an innate feeling that everyone experiences to some degree, but is this something that can ever be understood? Throughout time, religion has stepped in to fill the gaps in our understanding of the mysteries of life, but anytime information is offered, the source must be examined to determine the accuracy of the claims. This is where the people have been duped because where questions are asked, there will always be...

#38: Secrets of the Church | Eric Gajewski of Trad Cat Knight

July 12, 2020 04:00 - 53 minutes

There is an old saying that if God did not exist, then it would be necessary for Man to invent him. So did humans invent God, or is it the other way around? Eric Gajewski is the voice behind Trad Cat Knight, one of the most popular traditional Catholic podcasts on the internet, and he steps in to help us to understand what is currently happening inside the church, and why it should matter to us. Catholic prophecy is the thing of legends, so are we destined for salvation...or headed towards...

#37: As “Federal” As Federal Express

July 08, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

The scam of central banking is something that the vast majority of people never think about, let alone understand. Banking is boring, so most people focus on other things, but they do so at their detriment. The creation of the Federal Reserve Bank was a secretive affair because the men involved understood that if anyone ever figured out what they had done to America they would be hung for their crimes. Lucky for them nobody really figured it out until it was too late, but their scam lives o...

#36: End The Fed | John Thore Sneisen

July 05, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

Most people have no idea how money actually works, and that is not an accident. The banks have no interest in educating the people about the greatest scam even invented: fiat currency. John Thore Sneisen has written multiple books explaining how the money creation process works, and it just might be one of the best things to try and understand because it impacts most aspects of our lives. Listen to a simple explanation of what money is, how it comes into existence, what it is really worth,...

#36: End The Fed w/ John Thore Sneisen

July 05, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour - 68 MB

Most people have no idea how money actually works, and that is not an accident. The banks have no interest in educating the people about the greatest scam even invented: fiat currency. John Thore Sneisen has written multiple books explaining how the money creation process works, and it just might be one of the best things to try and understand because it impacts most aspects of our lives. Listen to a simple explanation of what money is, how it comes into existence, what it is really worth, ...

#35: Propaganda: Made in America Since 2012

July 01, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

Those dirty Russians used propaganda to convince their people that their country was indestructible, that their system of government was popular, and that bread lines were normal. Those poor bastards with their lying government were the laughing stock of the world because it was obvious that the people were not getting the truth from those in charge in Moscow. Well, the United States of America just put the “pro” in “propaganda” when they passed the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 whi...

#34: The Power of Words w/ Benny Wills from Joy Camp

June 28, 2020 04:00 - 53 minutes - 48.5 MB

The words that come out of our mouths create a version of reality that we are forced to live in, so it pays to choose your words carefully. Nobody knows the power of words more than Benny Wills, the co-founder of Joy Camp, and a professional actor for almost two decades. His show “Words, Words, Words” is available on YouTube and Ickonic, and explores how words are used by those in positions of power to hide their evil deeds, make their accomplishments sound legendary, or to convince the gene...

#34: The Power of Words | Benny Wills from Joy Camp

June 28, 2020 04:00 - 53 minutes

The words that come out of our mouths create a version of reality that we are forced to live in, so it pays to choose your words carefully. Nobody knows the power of words more than Benny Wills, the co-founder of Joy Camp, and a professional actor for almost two decades. His show “Words, Words, Words” is available on YouTube and Ickonic, and explores how words are used by those in positions of power to hide their evil deeds, make their accomplishments sound legendary, or to convince the gen...

#33: The War on Whistleblowers

June 24, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

The Department of Homeland Security ran an advertising campaign targeting the American people where the tagline was “if you see something, say something”. You mean like Chelsea Manning did? Or like Julian Assange? What about Edward Snowden? American history is littered with examples of people that “saw something” then later “say something” being buried under the jail while the real perpetrators walk free without so much as even an investigation. It is also the sign of a dying empire that th...

#32: 34 Years In Hell w/ Jamie Morgan Kane

June 21, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour - 109 MB

Imagine doing 34 years in San Quentin State Prison for a murder that you did not commit? How would that change the way that you see the prison system, and the world, for that matter? Jamie Morgan Kane took the rap for a murder that his wife committed, then spent the next third of a century navigating his way around constant violence, psychotic guards, prison gangs, rapists, and a broken prison system to come out the other end a much different person than when he started. There is no better ...

#32: 34 Years In Hell | Jamie Morgan Kane

June 21, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

Imagine doing 34 years in San Quentin State Prison for a murder that you did not commit? How would that change the way that you see the prison system, and the world, for that matter? Jamie Morgan Kane took the rap for a murder that his wife committed, then spent the next third of a century navigating his way around constant violence, psychotic guards, prison gangs, rapists, and a broken prison system to come out the other end a much different person than when he started. There is no better...

#31: Private Prisons Are A Crime Against Humanity

June 17, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

Capitalism can be a great thing, but there are aspects of American society where making money should not be the focal point. Profiting from the incarceration of human beings is along the same line as owning slaves, and in some cases in American prisons, indistinguishable from one another. America has 5% of the world’s population, but 25% of the world’s prisoners. Something has gone terribly wrong, and when the private prison industry was introduced to the United States the population of jai...

#30: Doing Hard Time in Australia, Thailand, and Pakistan w/ David McMillan

June 14, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour - 84 MB

International drug trafficker and man of mystery, David McMillan, explains what it is like to escape a death penalty in Thailand, spend a decade in the worst prison in Australia, and have his own servants while doing time in Karachi. For those interested in how a smuggling operation is run, David McMillan breaks down in detail how he went about concealing his profession for four decades while making temporary stops behind bars in the most hardcore prisons in the world. The James Bond of heroi...

#30: Doing Hard Time in Australia, Thailand, and Pakistan | David McMillan

June 14, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

International drug trafficker and man of mystery, David McMillan, explains what it is like to escape a death penalty in Thailand, spend a decade in the worst prison in Australia, and have his own servants while doing time in Karachi. For those interested in how a smuggling operation is run, David McMillan breaks down in detail how he went about concealing his profession for four decades while making temporary stops behind bars in the most hardcore prisons in the world. The James Bond of he...

#29: Human Race Riots

June 10, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

What do you get when you mix 50 years of systemic racism with 30% unemployment, then add in three months of countrywide house arrest for the entire population, and the murder of a black man in broad daylight, right in front of a camera? You get manufactured race riots that are stoked by the corporate media, you get every possible agenda looking for the oxygen necessary to get their fires started, and the introduction of agent provocateurs that want everything burned to the ground. The ange...

#28: Not So Quiet Riot | Bishop Larry Gaiters

June 07, 2020 04:00 - 1 hour

Slavery might have officially ended over 150 years ago, but a case can be made that it never really went away, but rather it just changed forms. The physical chains may have been removed, but like the Elephant Principle, sometimes the emotional chains remain. The Black community has some legitimate reasons for rising up against a policing system that has disproportionally targeted them through Stop & Frisk and Broken Windows policing policies. Through the rise of the private prison industry...


Whitney Webb
4 Episodes
Larry Gaiters
2 Episodes
Dominic Frisby
1 Episode
Isaac Weishaupt
1 Episode

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