Jeffrey Lacker is a former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, where he served as its head from 2004 to 2017. Jeffrey is now a senior affiliated scholar at the Mercatus Center and is also a returning guest to the podcast. He rejoins David on Macro Musings to talk about a wide range of Fed governance issues, including the evolving nature of governance at the Fed, the increasing politicization of the central bank, its continuing relationship with Congress, and a lot more.


Transcript for this week’s episode.


Jeffrey’s Mercatus profile

Jeffrey’s website

Jeffrey’s Richmond Fed archive


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Related Links:


*Governance and Diversity at the Federal Reserve* by Jeffrey Lacker


*Some Questions About the Fed’s Monetary Policy Operating Regime* by Jeffrey Lacker


*The Legacy of Bennett McCallum and Lessons for Monetary Policy Today* an event hosted by the Mercatus Center


*Ed Nelson on the Life, Work, and Legacy of Bennett McCallum* by Macro Musings


*What Can the Fed Do About the Deficit? Nothing* by Greg Ip

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