Meditation is becoming more mainstream and an important component of healthy, mental life. Mindfulness is the practice of purposely bringing one's attention to the present-moment experience without evaluation, a skill one develops through meditation or other training. The merging of the two is how we can live in the moment and better manage our responses to life.

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Annya Stoddar thas a BSC Hons Acupuncture, Licensed Acupuncturist, British Wheel of Yoga Teacher, Meditation Teacher, numerous fitness training qualifications and a post- 16 Teaching Certificate (PCET)
She has used Mindfulness Meditation to support her mental health throughout her journey in setting up and running her acupuncture business and personal life. She set up her own acupuncture clinic 14ish years ago, specializing in Pain Relief. Alongside acupuncture, she offers lifestyle, exercise, and mindfulness advice so that her patients can recover quickly and look after themselves better when they've been discharged.
She created the online Wisdom-Mind Meditation Programme. Six months of simple steps by step training were she offers full support so that you can re-wire your mind. Goals are to become quicker to laugh, slower to anger, become anxious, and reduce sadness, bitterness and isolation. The will allow for Connections to form with yourself as you developed and a more wholesome relationship, which will allow you to better connect to and support those you love.

A free meditation download is available called the Nine Breaths linked below:

Annya’s links

Dr Mac's Links
contact the podcast at [email protected]