Have you ever fainted? Did you find out what caused you to faint? What would you do if it was your heart stoping? This week's guest essentially died every time he passed out. He has an undiagnosed heart condition caused by an unhealthy lifestyle and too much stress. Listen to how he battled from the brink to a healthier place using medications and diet to better himself.

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"Fred Rutman, BA, CACE, MBA, is a Certified Marketing Specialist, Intermittent Faster and Coach, and Death and Brain Trauma Survivor. He is currently writing the medical trauma memoir ""The Summer I Died Twenty Times."

He is currently living in Toronto. He was a marketing person and college prof (MBA, Marketing and Finance) for several years until the summer of 2009 came crashing down on him and forced him onto permanent medical leave. Something was causing him to, what they thought was, pass out randomly, but it was worse than that - It turns out his heart was stopping. He was clinically dead dozens of times. After sustaining multiple concussions, they eventually put in a pacemaker, which was great until the infallible pacemaker failed in 2013. And 2018, with more complications in 2019 and 2020.

In 2018, he learned about intermittent fasting, and his life hasn't been the same since. He attributes the large majority of his recovery to the healing powers of IF. He was able to reverse his T2 diabetes and some of its related issues and is no longer asthmatic, and his sleep apnea went away. Yes, there is still some perpetual anxiety, PTSD, and Post Concussion Syndrome, but it gets better every day.

Fred's Links

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