A person can become addicted to anything. Not only drugs and alcohol, but also things that we usually deem healthy, like exercise or limited caloric diets. What if we told you that you could be come addicted to success and even become addicted to caring for others. Normally this is not an issue. That is until caring for others begins to negatively affect your own wellbeing.

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Keyen Lage is a former NFL Athlete turned Emotional Intelligence Coach for World-Class Leaders.

After almost becoming paralyzed during a football injury in the National Football League, Keyen was able to start his new journey by looking at life from a completely new perspective. He dove head first into understanding what it actually means to live a life of fulfillment while achieving success along the way.

Since making that decision, Keyen has personally worked with over 300 people on creating a healthy relationship with themselves so they are able to escape the rat race of the achievement loop, and step into a place of achieving massive success, impact, and money from a place of ease. He helps entrepreneurs, and business owners regain a deeper connection with themselves to find more fulfillment in their lives. Keyen has worked with World-Class Fitness Models, Professional Athletes, Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs, & C-List Executives. Keyen works with people all over the world on being able to remove mental, emotional, & physical blockages that are preventing them from reaching their full potential.

His clients do things that few people on the planet can do. They are powerful, passionate and successful, yet whatever is coming next still feels like a really big leap.
They want to take the next big step.

He helps extraordinary people who already achieve 'impossible' goals to achieve what still looks 'impossible' to them.

Keyen's Links

IG: keyen.lage
Website: keyenlage.com

Dr Mac's Links