Even to this day, there is a stigma around mental health, especially for men. The “toughen up” and the ever popular “boys don’t cry” mentality still runs rampant in our society. Join us this week as we explore what it takes to try and change this mentality and how we can support each other before medical intervention is necessary.

Patreon Link - https://www.patreon.com/macp_podcast

My Name is Zuhaib and I help men to face the darkest part of themselves and to find clarity and success to become the man they always desire to be. I believe what ever has happened to us in the past, we can not change it. It’s part of us, we just need to acknowledge it and accept it and use it towards our success I am a father of 2,mindset and behvaior coach,NLP practitioner and completing my CBT certificate.

Zuhaib Links

Dr Mac's Links

Mental Health Link’s
Help is available
Speak with someone today
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255
