Previous Episode: Leukotrienes in COVID

A 17 y/o girl was treated for corona virus with Lipid-bound Sulfur, Flame Quell and glycerol. Her first symptom was tightness in her chest with some shortness of breath. When she developed generalized achiness hours later, she realized she was getting sick. Her temperature then was 102.8 and by days’ end she was markedly lethargic.  

She received a dropper of Lipid-bound Sulfur and ¼ tsp glycerol with 2 droppers Fame Quell in water, four days after the onset of symptoms. Her first dose of lipids was in the evening and it was repeated the next morning. Glycerol with Flame Quell was given again midday. That afternoon, however, she developed very severe coughing spasms. Her mother gave her ¼ tsp glycerol with 2 droppers Flame Quell three times, each 20 minutes apart.  Her cough stopped, completely. That evening she was back on her phone and social media, the first time in four days. She also texted a friend saying she would attend the virtual round table at her school, “now that I know I am not dying”. By the next morning her mother described her condition saying, “It’s as if it never happened”. 

Remarkable features of this case:

It started with breathing difficulties only, and later achiness. There was no the fever, sore throat or cough initially as are more common.This teen required assistance to walk and sponge bath. Extreme lethargy is a tell-tale sign of the corona virus. This teen usually remains active when ill and had only shown such lethargy one other time, earlier in her life at age seven, with a flu.She had no known contacts or exposures.  The teen was in isolation, alternately at her father’s and mother’s, 15 minutes apart in rural New England.  Both households were completely quarantined for over two months; neither parent knew of any cases and there were no cases in the school the teen attends.

Comments on lipids:

Since the first dose of lipids was four days after the onset of symptoms, two droppers Lipid-bound Sulfur for the first dose and one dropper three times daily thereafter is preferred.If the first dose of glycerol and Flame Quell alleviated the coughing spasm at all, as they did in this case, the second and third are advised as administered. However, if the first dose had not relieved her at all, still a second dose of both is warranted but a third dose is not warranted if the first two had no effect. One dropper Lipid-bound Sulfur and glycerol with Flame Quell in water twice daily are advised for three days after the resolution of symptoms. 

Had not her mother or father been “on top of her” to drink fluids, primarily tea and broth, she would have become dehydrated.  Her mother also gave her electrolytes in water.  If there are no electrolytes available gargling with salt water, one tsp salt in 8 oz. of water, is advised. Salt is an antiviral! Children are susceptible to shock from this virus. Leukotrienes bind chloride so less chloride is dissolved in body fluids. Chloride sustains blood pressure and body fluids. Salt provides chloride.

Stay tuned. We will be discussing other uses of Lipid-bound Sulfur and of Flame Quell. And note: all said here regarding use of these lipids in COVID applies to their application for influenza as well.

Thank you! ! !