Today on the podcast we are excited to introduce you to Stefanos Sifandos. In his work, Stefanos facilitates transformational growth through neuro-empowerment practices. By immersing himself deep in men’s empowerment work and intimate relationships, Stefanos merges the best of eastern and western methodologies and philosophies to promote balance, sacredness, and joy in life.


Having worked with elite special forces soldiers, Olympic gold medalists, and multiple world-champion fighters, we are thrilled to have Stefanos on the podcast to share his own unique perspective on masculine and feminine energy. Today he is sharing his story of how he traversed the depths of his own pain to overcome his destructive patterns, the importance of the men’s empowerment movement, and insights into navigating today’s ever-changing social landscape.






A big part of healthy masculinity [ 6:15 ] What authenticity means at its core [ 8:52 ] How men can rise into a new form of leadership [ 10:30 ] Where power plays come from in women and men [ 14:54 ] The most misunderstood masculine behaviors [ 16:10 ] The symptoms of living in a hyper-masculine world [ 19:53 ] How to get started on a path to change who you are [ 25:48 ] How to shift the definition of success away from the goal [ 30:10 ] The difference between the divine masculine and feminine [ 33:00 ] How you can identify when you’re in your wounded energy [ 39:25 ]




Connect with Stefanos:

Instagram: @stefanossifandos Facebook: @stefanossifandos Facebook Group: The Conscious Man Personal website: Men’s website:
