What do you actually want?


When you are struggling to make a decision in your business, do you stop to ask yourself this question? Because your heart knows pretty darn quickly what it wants to do. Today we’re sharing with you how to tap into this internal compass and make fast decisions so that you can enjoy work aligned with your purpose.






Social media’s buzzword right now [ 1:30 ] Why we get stuck in the story of “Is this me?” [ 3:03 ] The word we wish was being used more often online [ 3:40 ] The rabbit hole that many new entrepreneurs fall down [ 5:00 ] Why it’s so hard to figure out what you actually want [ 6:00 ] What will solve your current struggle [ 9:43 ] How fast decisions were implemented in our business [ 10:55 ] What to do when your heart is calling you to something [ 13:21 ] Where to look to get at the root of a business issue [ 15:57 ]




What are your money mindset myths?

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