Indra Rinzler has been studying and sharing vedic astrology and spirituality for 45 years.  He also teaches Enneagram of Personality.   He uses these modalities in Life Readings he offers to clients both here and in India.  The focus of his life is to help people "Wake Up" to who they really are- to Live beyond stories and suffering and search for inner happiness!
     Indra and Dr. Susan talk about a variety of subjects which ultimately lead to the Four Doorways To Consciousness- a four step process that guides an individual away from their 'stories' and toward their authentic, unique self.
      Would you like to "let go" of your inner baggage- lose the inner turmoil and constant judgements of others and mainly yourself?     
       Indra drops many 'pearls of wisdom' in this episode --

In the episode Indra mentions a favorite book entitled "Letting Go" by David Hawkins as a must read.

You can read aboutIndra on his
 You can reach Indra on his email: [email protected]

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Check out Debra's Book: The Successful Healer