Today, I am featuring an interview with Christa Elza- your wellness expert go to for your energy, hormonal and growth mindset.
     Working as a nurse practitioner in a family practise, Christa realized the tool box of what she could offer her patients was too limited and she wanted a better way to help women achieve lasting health results.  Christa began her journey as a Functional Medical Practitioner, learning the root cause approach to medicine and has established her own virtual practise called Elive Health.  Christa uses breakthrough diagnostic testing thats rarely done in conventional settings to uncover the hidden causes of why women feel the way they do!
      In this episode, you will learn:
How stress affects your hormones and energy levels and ways to mitigate it
How Hormonal instability affects your energy and solutions
How Nutrition plays a role in your energy levels- What foods to add and what to AVOID
How Environmental Toxins can cause hormonal disruption and your energy levels with simple solutions
    And Much More....

Have a notepad handy- as there is alot of valuable, practical information in this episode!

You can reach Christa through her Instagram Account:@christaelza


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Check out Debra's Book: The Successful Healer