Hi, Im Susan.  With so many podcasts out there, I felt a strong desire to clarify why we have created this podcast and why Lunch With A Healer may be the perfect fit for you!  Im a dentist by profession and maintained a successful family practise for 38 years.  Dentistry was my career choice, never my passion. By far, the best aspect of it were all of the wonderful, inspiring people I befriended over the years.  In fact, often my patients became my teachers through their own journeys.  But after 38 years, I made the courageous decision to retire. Coincidentally, months before I had initiated a "ladies nite" where myself and three friends met and talked the night away at a local restaurant.  This group consisted of myself, Karen and Lesley, both successful entrepreneurs and Susie- a very talented artist.  Four vibrant ladies of a certain age with diverse backgrounds, different life experiences and definitely different opinions.  We discussed health and nutrition with the focus on longevity, aging, travel and more but there was a common theme- we all had a strong desire to keep learning and evolving-a passion to resist complacency in our lives.  Our ages, 55+ never entered the equation-in fact the wisdom of age was and is a motivator to explore the world around us.  I began to notice other diners leaning in to try to overhear our conversations and finally suggested we make a podcast and re-create those conversations so that a great many people could benefit.  Sadly, as we were preparing the podcast, Susie became ill and could not participate but we are hoping she will join us in the near future.  The stars aligned and another friend, Debra- an award winning alternative healer and therapist joined our group and after many twists and turns, Lunch With A Healer was born!!Our goal is to provide knowledge through our wealth of combined unique experiences and several special guests on a variety of subjects.  Life really is an adventure, so please join myself, Debra, Karen and Lesley each week as we strive for the best things life has to offer, together.       Please send any comments to: [email protected]