"Why should you take cooking tips or health advice from a snarky 75 year old Grandma who doesn't own a restaurant, isn't a reality T.V. star, doesn't have a medical degree and doesn't particularly like to cook?? Here's why- my new book "Brownies  For Breakfast, A Cookbook for Diabetics and the People  Who Love Them", is a cool, fun, beautiful guidebook for anybody who wants to eat healthy: vegan vegetarian, pescatarian,gluten-free and sugar free."
       WE are fortunate to have this sassy, youthful author with us today, Ms Lynne Bowman!!
Lynne explains the inspiration for the cookbook and how this lifestyle- what you eat, how you eat and when you eat CAN contribute to keeping you young and healthy!!
      It's all about BALANCE- and- You CAN have your Cake and Eat it Too- GUILT FREE!!

      Does this sound too good to be true-  Listen in.....

You can contact Lynne at: LynneBowman.com

This episode brought to you by OWN THE GREY podcast. Discover how others age with attitude at OwnTheGrey.ca

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Connect with Debra Jones RM: www.debrajones.ca
Check out Debra's Book: The Successful Healer