Picture this: a six-month adventure that drained my energy and sucked over $100,000 out of my pocket, all for a business that turned out to be a big fat scam. Talk about hitting rock bottom! 

I was left with a whopping minus $5,000 on my credit card and a measly 500 bucks left in my pocket. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, my business coach reaches out and says, "Hey, wanna chat?" I was like, "Seriously? After getting scammed, you think I'm gonna work with you?" 

But you know what? I took a chance. I figured, what's the worst that could happen? Lose another 500 bucks? So, I bit the bullet and paid up.

For the next six weeks, life was tough. I had to rely on government benefits like Centrelink, Australia's welfare program, just to get by. And get this, I was still driving my dad's ancient 1998 Toyota Camry. 

But hey, I wasn't about to let my circumstances hold me back. I hustled my ass off, created my superpower mastermind program, and finally landed my first client.

But here's the thing: nobody believed in me during that time. I wanted my family and friends to have faith in my journey, but instead, they questioned everything. They couldn't wrap their heads around my transformation, the way I spoke, and the boundaries I set. 

It was like they couldn't grasp the fact that I was finally doing what was right for me. But you know what? That's okay. It actually turned out to be a blessing for me.

Looking back now, I'm grateful that I didn't have their support. It ignited a fire within me. I realized that I didn't need anyone else's approval or belief to succeed. As long as I had my own back, I was unstoppable. 

And you can be too. Either out of desperation like me or out of inspiration. Want to hear how? 

Tune in for this week’s episode as I’m sharing why you don’t need to seek validation from others and how to rise above the naysayers and prove to yourself that you've got what it takes. 

Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways:

Intro (00:00)
Life is unpredictable (01:56)
Whatever you speak is what you become (04:04)
I’m grateful for people NOT supporting me (08:26)
Authenticity will set you free (15:01)
Do what works - success leaves clues (21:33)
Healing perfectionism (23:23)
You’ll succeed either out of inspiration or desperation (26:32)
Send me your energy (34:42)

Additional Resources:


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The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

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BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹 ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE⁠

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