I know that when you start a new journey and want to grow and make your dreams come true or whatever you are doing to better yourself, it can get overwhelming and your negative mindset will hold a lot of resistence which if you dont become aware of will hold you down and drain you from your journey moving forward. You are strong enough to push forward and you will make it. 

This place where you are right now is important and you are supposed to go through what you are going through right now. It's something that you will talk about in a couple of years and you will share how much you wanted to give up and didnt think you would make it but you keep perservering and little by little you came really really far! Never give up on your dreams, because you derserve them and i know you will achieve them. I am with you all the way! Love Luke

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BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and heath advice. Luke is not a psychologist or hold any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We of course want the best results for you and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. TERMS OF SERVICE