Everything happens in your life for a reason and its up to you to ask the question... What can i learn from this experience? What is this teaching me? After all my triggers and people projecting thier opinions onto me for so many years i finally decided to say yes to me and learn to love myself. On the way i had to lose people to find myself, and whilst doing so i created a 20 week program which is based on healing your past pain, insecurities and trauma, buidling self love and superpowered confidence and then helping you step into your purpose and living your best life! It didnt happen overnight but it happened because i say yes to me and i never gave up. 

Now i am here to help you do the same. If you would like to learn more about how you could take action and join us inside the Superpower Masrermind 20 week group coaching experience please click this link https://m.me/lukemindpower?ref=w17263175

I hope you enjoyed this episode. Wishing you the best week ahead and more success and peace in your life. Never give up! I believe in you. 

Your friend and coach LMP

To buy tickets for Andiamo Italian Nightlife on the 23rd of December 2022 and see me there click here https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/andiamo-bedouin-tickets-431623907727

Want to share your story and grow confidence in yourself and your communication? Then Watch The Free Masterclass For The Speak And Tranfrom 32 Program Click Here SPEAK & TRANSFORM or copy this link into your browser 👇🏼https://www.lukemindpower.com/speak-and-transform-masterclass

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BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and heath advice. Luke is not a psychologist or hold any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We of course want the best results for you and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. TERMS OF SERVICE