Tucker is a apprentice in Carpentry, he does mauy thai/brazilian jiu jitsu, invests in real estate joint ventures, ecommerce and gives back by doing youth work and speaking to teenagers in schools and community centres. His passion is focused on personal development and creating connection, finding happiness and helping others find their happiness along the way.

Episode Notes:

Feeling like your not good enough, boobs at 8, using drugs, self conscious, mugged at gunpoint, watching friend try to kill himself, lost in culture, friend died , saw his friend on the floor, 4 basic human needs, parenting, missing key, to bringing up children, time ,attention, love, connection where you are is a reflection of your choices, what standards do we have for ourselves. Subconscious neurology, from the echo, goal settings

You can reach Tucker on IG https://www.instagram.com/armstrong_moonman/

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