Loving yourself can seem odd, and wierd and stupid at first. I used to laugh at the notion of it. Well im hear to tell you its true. When you love yourself  unconditionally, treat yourself with respect and compassion and dont feel guilty for doing what is right for you, your life will take a turn for the better.

Imagine that person you want to give love to so much, you would do absolutely anything for. Well make that person YOU. And do absolutely anything possible to be your best version.

If your on a growth journey and you want to continue to evolve and transcend then loving yourself is a major key. Dont wait for others to give you love, dont expect that love will just find you, look at yourself in the mirror. You have been waiting for you for a long time.  When you love yourself, you vibrate higher. I was looking for love for over 10 years, and the only time i truly found it, was when i looked into the mirror and started to spend some time with me.


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